(function (factory) { if (typeof exports === 'object') { // CommonJS (Node) var jQuery = require('jquery'); module.exports = factory(jQuery || $); } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(['jquery'], factory); } else { // globals factory(jQuery || $); } }(function ($) { var methods = { start: function(sec){ if(sec) init.call(this, sec); var me = this, intervalId = setTimeout(function(){ tick.call(me); }, 1000); // save start time this.data('ttStartTime', (new Date()).getTime()); this.data('intervalId', intervalId); }, stop: function(){ var data = this.data(); if(data.intervalId){ clearTimeout(data.intervalId); this.data('intervalId', null); } return data; }, reset: function(sec){ var data = methods.stop.call(this); this.find('div').css({ backgroundPosition: 'left center' }); if(typeof sec === "undefined") sec = data.value; init.call(this, sec); } }; var dictionary = { en:{days:"days", hours:"hours", min:"minutes", sec:"seconds"}, ru:{days:"дней", hours:"часов", min:"минут", sec:"секунд"}, ua:{days:"днiв", hours:"годин", min:"хвилин", sec:"секунд"}, de:{days:"Tag", hours:"Uhr", min:"Minuten", sec:"Secunden"}, fr:{days:"jours", hours:"heures", min:"minutes", sec:"secondes"}, sp:{days:"días", hours:"reloj", min:"minutos", sec:"segundos"}, it:{days:"giorni", hours:"ore", min:"minuti", sec:"secondi"}, nl:{days:"dagen", hours:"uren", min:"minuten", sec:"seconden"} }; if(typeof $.support.transition === 'undefined'){ $.support.transition = (function(){ var thisBody = document.body || document.documentElement, thisStyle = thisBody.style, support = thisStyle.transition !== undefined || thisStyle.WebkitTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.MozTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.MsTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.OTransition !== undefined; return support; })(); } $.fn.timeTo = function(){ var defaults = { callback: null, // callback function for exec when timer out captionSize: 0, // font-size by pixels for captions, if 0 then calculate automaticaly countdown: true, // is countdown or real clock countdownAlertLimit: 10, // limit in seconds when display red background displayCaptions: false, // display captions under digit groups displayDays: 0, // display day timer, count of days digits displayHours: true, // display hours fontFamily: "Verdana, sans-serif", fontSize: 30, // font-size of a digit by pixels lang: 'en', // language of caption seconds: 0, // timer's countdown value in seconds start: true, // true to start timer immediately theme: "white", // 'white' or 'black' theme fo timer's view vals: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], // private, current value of each digit limits: [9, 9, 9, 2, 9, 5, 9, 5, 9],// private, max value of each digit iSec: 8, // private, index of second digit iHour: 4, // private, index of hour digit tickTimeout: 1000, // timeout betweet each timer tick in miliseconds intervalId: null // private }, method, options = {}; for(var i = 0, arg; arg = arguments[i]; ++i){ if(i == 0 && typeof arg === "string"){ method = arg; }else{ if(typeof arg == "object"){ if(typeof arg.getTime === 'function'){ options.timeTo = arg; }else { options = $.extend(options, arg); } }else{ if(typeof arg == "function"){ options.callback = arg; }else{ var v = parseInt(arg); if(!isNaN(v)){ options.seconds = v; } } } } } // set time for countdown to if(options.timeTo){ var time, now = (new Date()).getTime(); if(options.timeTo.getTime){ // set time as date object time = options.timeTo.getTime(); }else if(typeof options.timeTo === 'number'){ // set time as integer in millisec time = options.timeTo; } if(options.timeTo > now){ options.seconds = Math.floor((time - now) / 1000); } }else if(options.time || !options.seconds){ var time = options.time; if(!time) time = new Date(); if(typeof time === 'object' && time.getTime){ options.seconds = time.getHours()*3600 + time.getMinutes()*60 + time.getSeconds(); options.countdown = false; }else if(typeof time === 'string'){ var tt = time.split(':'), sec = 0, m = 1, t; while(t = tt.pop()){ sec += t*m; m *= 60; } options.seconds = sec; options.countdown = false; } } if(options.countdown !== false && options.seconds > 86400 && typeof options.displayDays === 'undefined') { var days = Math.floor(options.seconds / 86400); options.displayDays = days < 10 && 1 || days < 100 && 2 || 3; }else if(options.displayDays === true) { options.displayDays = 3; }else if(options.displayDays) { options.displayDays = options.displayDays > 0 ? Math.floor(options.displayDays) : 3; } return this.each(function(){ var $this = $(this), data = $this.data(), i; if(!data.vals){ // new clock data = $.extend(defaults, options); data.height = Math.round(data.fontSize*100/93); data.width = Math.round(data.fontSize*.8 + data.height*.13); data.displayHours = !!(data.displayDays || data.displayHours); $this .addClass('timeTo') .addClass('timeTo-'+ data.theme) .css({ fontFamily: data.fontFamily, fontSize: data.fontSize +'px' }); var left = Math.round(data.height / 10), ulhtml = '', style = ' style="width:'+ data.width +'px; height:'+ data.height +'px;"', dhtml1 = '
'+ ulhtml, dhtml2 = ''+ ulhtml, dot2 = ':', maxWidth = Math.round(data.width * 2 + 3), captionSize = data.captionSize || Math.round(data.fontSize * 0.43); thtml = (data.displayCaptions ? (data.displayHours ? '
'+ dictionary[data.lang].hours +'
'+ dot2 : '') + '
'+ dictionary[data.lang].min +'
'+ dot2 + '
'+ dictionary[data.lang].sec +'
' : (data.displayHours ? '$1'+ dot2 : '') +'$1'+ dot2 +'$1' ).replace(/\$1/g, dhtml1 + dhtml2); if(data.displayDays > 0){ var marginRight = data.fontSize * 0.4, dhtml = dhtml1; for(i = data.displayDays - 1; i > 0; i--) { dhtml += i === 1 ? dhtml2.replace('">', ' margin-right:'+ Math.round(marginRight) +'px">') : dhtml2; } thtml = (data.displayCaptions ? '
'+ dictionary[data.lang].days +'
' : '$1').replace( /\$1/, dhtml ) + thtml; } $this.html(thtml); }else{ // exists clock if(data.intervalId){ clearInterval(data.intervalId); data.intervalId = null; } $.extend(data, options); } var $digits = $this.find('div'); if($digits.length < data.vals.length){ var dif = data.vals.length - $digits.length, vals = data.vals, limits = data.limits; data.vals = []; data.limits = []; for(i = 0; i < $digits.length; i++){ data.vals[i] = vals[dif + i]; data.limits[i] = limits[dif + i]; } data.iSec = data.vals.length - 1; data.iHour = data.vals.length - 5; } data.sec = data.seconds; $this.data(data); if(method && methods[method]){ methods[ method ].call($this, data.seconds); }else if(data.start){ methods.start.call($this, data.seconds); }else { methods.init.call($this, data.seconds); } }); }; function init(sec){ var data = this.data(), $digits = this.find('ul'); if (!data.vals || $digits.length === 0) return; if(!sec) sec = data.seconds; var isInterval = false; if (data.intervalId) { isInterval = true; clearTimeout(data.intervalId); } var days = Math.floor(sec / 86400), rest = days * 86400, h = Math.floor((sec - rest) / 3600); rest += h * 3600; var m = Math.floor((sec - rest) / 60); rest += m * 60; var s = sec - rest, str = (h < 10 ? '0' : '') + h + (m < 10 ? '0' : '') + m + (s < 10 ? '0' : '') + s; for (var i = data.vals.length - 1, j = str.length - 1, v; i >= 0; i--, j--) { v = parseInt(str.substr(j, 1)); data.vals[i] = v; $digits.eq(i).children().html(v); } if (isInterval) { var me = this; data.ttStartTime = Date.now(); data.intervalId = setTimeout(function(){ tick.call(me); }, 1000); this.data('intervalId', data.intervalId); } } /** * Switch specified digit by digit index * @param {number} - digit index */ function tick(digit) { var $digits = this.find('ul'), data = this.data(); if (!data.vals || $digits.length == 0){ if(data.intervalId){ clearTimeout(data.intervalId); this.data('intervalId', null); } if(data.callback) data.callback(); return; } if (digit == undefined) { digit = data.iSec; } var n = data.vals[digit], $ul = $digits.eq(digit), $li = $ul.children(), step = data.countdown ? -1 : 1; $li.eq(1).html(n); n += step; if(digit == data.iSec){ var tickTimeout = data.tickTimeout, timeDiff = (new Date()).getTime() - data.ttStartTime; data.sec += step; tickTimeout += Math.abs(data.seconds - data.sec) * tickTimeout - timeDiff; data.intervalId = setTimeout(function(){ tick.call(me); }, tickTimeout); } if(n < 0 || n > data.limits[digit]) { if(n < 0) n = data.limits[digit]; else n = 0; if(digit > 0){ tick.call(this, digit-1); } } //$ul.removeClass('transition'); //$ul.css({top:"-" + data.height + "px"}); $li.eq(0).html(n); var me = this; if($.support.transition){ $ul.addClass('transition'); $ul.css({top:0}); setTimeout(function(){ $ul.removeClass('transition'); $li.eq(1).html(n); $ul.css({top:"-"+ data.height +"px"}); if(step > 0 || digit != data.iSec) return; if(data.sec == data.countdownAlertLimit){ $digits.parent().addClass('timeTo-alert'); } if(fop==1) { data.sec=0; } if(data.sec === 0){ $digits.parent().removeClass('timeTo-alert'); if(data.intervalId){ clearTimeout(data.intervalId); me.data('intervalId', null); //alert("iii"); } if(typeof data.callback === 'function') data.callback(); } if(data.sec <0){ data.sec=0; $digits.parent().removeClass('timeTo-alert'); if(data.intervalId){ clearTimeout(data.intervalId); me.data('intervalId', null); } if(typeof data.callback === 'function') data.callback(); } }, 410); }else{ $ul.stop().animate({top:0}, 400, digit != data.iSec ? null : function(){ $li.eq(1).html(n); $ul.css({top:"-"+ data.height +"px"}); if(step > 0 || digit != data.iSec) return; if(data.sec == data.countdownAlertLimit){ $digits.parent().addClass('timeTo-alert'); }else if(data.sec == 0){ $digits.parent().removeClass('timeTo-alert'); if(data.intervalId){ clearTimeout(data.intervalId); me.data('intervalId', null); } if(typeof data.callback === 'function') data.callback(); } }); } data.vals[digit] = n; //this.data('vals', data.vals); } return jQuery; }));